Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Heard on NPR This Morning

"The McCain camp didn't realize how hard it still was to convince voters to vote for a woman."

Oh. Really?


Diane M. Roth said...

you're kidding.

and it's harder to convince people to vote for a woman for president than Vice President.

what Sarah is doing, fine as it is, is NOT the same as what Hillary did.

Jules said...



Anonymous said...

Great Hillary image. If only...sigh.

Palin?? The comparison is beyond laughable. Or below. Or beneath contempt. I can't wait for the Miss Alaska video footage to surface on YouTube. Someone's gotta have it!

LittleMary said...

this is me being a bitch, but that woman needs to spend some time with me so we can get her some new glasses. there, i said it.