Saturday, November 29, 2008


As previously mentioned, my children and I traveled to be with my dad (aka the Paratrooper) for Thanksgiving. It was lovely and fun, and I actually took the days off, as in... I did (almost) no work while I was there. (OK, a couple of phone calls and emails... but that's it!).

Petra and I went down on Tuesday night, staying the Place that got me Spammed (see comment from neal here). Larry O had class until 4:30 on Wednesday and came down by bus that night. While waiting for him Petra and I obsessively watched this show, which we seem to watch only in my dad's house... weird. And I knitted. And knitted and knitted... a lovely green sweater that will be Petra's Big Present from me this Christmas.

Thanksgiving Day itself was quiet; the kids ate breakfast at the hotel but I ate with my dad. Then... more knitting, a marathon of this show. (Does a theme seem to be emerging?) Dinner at the Place was lovely, but the Paratrooper was taken aback that it was buffet style (and, honestly, the price was... shocking. Given that it was buffet style). But the food was delicious, everyone ate their fill, and we had a lovely time.

Petra and Larry made friends with folks at an adjoining table as a result of a rather raucous conversation they were having about movies... the couple had a son who was an actor, cards were exchanged, etc etc.

Then Petra, Larry and I did something that is a longstanding Thanksgiving tradition for us: we went to the movies. First we saw "Twilight." (For me it was the second time. I loved it. LOVED it. I am a Twihard. I know. It's disturbing to me too.) And then, "Quantum of Solace," which I like, but not as much as "Casino Royale."

A late bedtime, sleeping in the next morning, followed by a drive home, followed by... two people in the hospital (one of whom is our music director), a third probably dying, and Advent tomorrow.

There is more to unpack that I don't seem to be able to do now (Petra and I are running to a rehearsal). But... house, home. It's all... complicated. You know?


  1. Anonymous6:26 PM

    I am so glad for the people who do what you do - visiting the sick and dying. That can't be easy.

    We saw Twilight last night. It was my second time, too. Resident Evil and I dragged MathMan and The Actor to see it. They didn't hate it. A good sign. This morning, when MathMan was out of earshot, The Actor asked me if we could go see it again. Heh.

    I'm glad you had a nice Thanksgiving with your father.

  2. sounds quite lovely indeed. glad you had a good holiday, mags.
