Wednesday, February 06, 2008

My Study Leave Experience (As Contrasted With Little Mary's)

I personally would not have said a word about bodily functions. But hey. That's what makes the world go 'round, right?

Little Mary and I had the opportunity to take some study leave time in a lovely little Victorian house, in a green, green place (which abutted a suburb, fascinating), in which herds of deer wandered quietly through the backyard, along with flocks of wild turkeys. We had three stories all to ourselves, and we were most productive. (Again, not saying a word.)

I managed to do just about every task I'd set for myself, with one tiny exception (I'm still looking for a story to end my Ash Wednesday meditation).

But the productivity was not the point. We managed, somehow, to make all that work feel like Sabbath. We rose when our bodies told us to rise. We ate what we wanted (which was pretty healthy, and cooked by us, until we succumbed, on the last night, to what our hostess assured us was "the best pizza in the United States." She did not exaggerate.). We said morning prayer together. We worked according to our own rhythms (and not the ringing of the phone). Little Mary chose the room with the best light. I chose the room with the best bed. I could have stayed about 10 more days.

And we made surprisingly good roommates, LM and I. We are different... very, very different, in so many ways. But we worked well, quietly and companionably, and with some measure of hilarity, always good. And then at night we watched wildly... unexpected TV shows on CD. No nightmares though.

The only nightmare was getting back to the office and having about six administrative emergencies to deal with, plus a lovely 84 year old woman hospitalized with... chicken pox!

A blessed start to your Lenten season, friends.


  1. So that would go in the success category, right?

  2. WYLD!!! You're home. :-)

    Yes, a success for sure.

  3. you got that right. wonderful indeed. i need 10 more days. like right now.

  4. glad you had such a great study leave -- love the looks of that house!

  5. Oh, sounds wonderful. I am so glad for you (and jealous -- just started a book collaboration with a dear friend and we work well by email and phone but it would be so cool to have time like this. Maybe before too long).
