Tuesday, January 29, 2008

And We're Off!

Little Mary and I are meeting one another tomorrow at a fabulous retreat house for a week or so of study leave. Yahoo! While there, I intend to:

  • Do all my Lent bulletins (including Ash Wednesday, but not the latter part of Holy Week)
  • Start exegesis for my Lent sermons
  • Map out my Lenten series
  • Map out the 4-week Adult Study (Women of the Old Testament) I'm teaching at a local Senior Learning Center
  • Read "Antagonists in the Church" just...because
  • Walk every day
  • Play my guitar

That's not overly ambitious, is it? I set "clear desk" as my priority for today and yesterday, and that worked!

No idea if I'll have internet access. If not, toodle-oo!


  1. oh my god I can barely wait to be there! and friends, don't think we have great internet access. it will be an adjustment but we will survive.

  2. wow. I am totally jealous. Have much fun and productivity!

  3. do call from the road if you can... i miss you.
