Thursday, January 03, 2008

Happy New Year!

I am just back from my time in Disney World with Larry-O and Petra... I mean, just back... in the house under three hours, the laundry is spinning, and I'm madly filling out health forms, writing absence notes, and watching the needles fall from the week-neglected tree.

It was cool. I'm too tired to blog it all now, and I need the thousand and one photos Petra took with her new (Christmas-from-Dad) digital camera to do it justice. But it was cool. We had fun. We also had illness. But we had fun.

And now I'm back, no resolutions made, per se, a funeral Saturday, and the sermon for Sunday not begun, exactly.



Unknown said...

Glad your back and had a good time, happy new year.

Iris said...

cool! Can't wait to see the pics.

Barbara B. said...

Glad you are back and that it was fun! Post some pics when you get a chance! :)