Friday, March 23, 2007

If you want....

... to experience a writing of great and mysterious beauty, hop on over to read "Some Questions" at the Real Live Preacher. The man never disappoints.

A small taste: ...Is goodness somewhere deep in your heart, laid in before the ages and waiting for the year of jubilee? Or is goodness a damsel locked in a distant tower, and you the prince charming who will redeem her at any price?...

Go and drink deep...

* Thank you to RLP for asking about the art... it's "Meditating" by Javier Lopez Barbosa.


LutheranChik said...

What remarkable artwork! Beautiful!

Real Live Preacher said...

Thank you for the kind words. I had to comment because I want to know what that painting is, if it is a painting. I love the colors. It reminds me of a nebula as caught by the Hubble telescope in recent years. A whole new way of looking at space.

revhipchick said...

the artwork took my breath away! absolutely wonderful and beautiful!