... to experience a writing of great and mysterious beauty, hop on over to read "Some Questions" at the Real Live Preacher. The man never disappoints.
A small taste: ...Is goodness somewhere deep in your heart, laid in before the ages and waiting for the year of jubilee? Or is goodness a damsel locked in a distant tower, and you the prince charming who will redeem her at any price?...
Go and drink deep...
* Thank you to RLP for asking about the art... it's "Meditating" by Javier Lopez Barbosa.
What remarkable artwork! Beautiful!
Thank you for the kind words. I had to comment because I want to know what that painting is, if it is a painting. I love the colors. It reminds me of a nebula as caught by the Hubble telescope in recent years. A whole new way of looking at space.
the artwork took my breath away! absolutely wonderful and beautiful!
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