You know, The Day. Candidating at the church I fervently hope will call me to be their pastor.
~ Sermon's almost done. It's carrying a heavy burden of "The Most Important Sermon Of My Life." Of course, theologically, I believe that every sermon is the most important of my life. But, you know.
~ Aren't children's sermons with kids you don't know the very, very hardest things we (ministers) do?
~ This is a shout out to my two amazing, wonderful kids, who are going to be with me tonight and tomorrow (Larry-O is putting off going back to school by a day). They are my rocks.
~ A big thank you!! to the lectionary gods and goddesses for the AWESOME passage from Luke. Really. That was totally my response.
~ And finally, What does one wear to the Ice Cream Social this evening? Is it OK that I have electric blue toenail polish?
Why is it always an ice cream social? It reminds me of college. I wore a black sweater dress and high boots at mine. Be stylish. Wear the nail polish.
Good luck tomorrow. God be with you.
Oh, and whatever you do with the kids, don't ask for all of their names. We had a guest do that and it was awful. Look 'em in the eye and smile. Be energetic. And you will win them over.
Wear your nail polish proudly--as a sign of courage AND hope! Blessings and good luck for the morrow.
Thanks for the advice, Pastor Peters and Jan-- both fashion and children's message. I am inclined to agree: it makes sense to start out as myself, since myself will be revealed eventually anyway.
PS It's in the 90's and humid, so I think the ice cream social will be well received, as far as that goes.
i will be thinking of you tonight and tomorrow. the nail polish sounds just right. your kids rock. and all shall be well.
and i suck at coming up with children's sermon ideas most of the time so... hoping others come to bat for you.
love ya.
I hope everything goes great tomorrow. Hope you like them! Hope you have a good time!
mags --
my prayers are with you tonight and tomorrow. They are crazy if they don;t love you. I may need to borrow the nail polish -- i'm bored with pink.
being totally authentically yourself is such a good gift ... blessings tonight and tomorrow .. and the tomorrows after that!
if Lutheran, it would be a "pot luck".
I think children's sermons are hard, period. and harder with kids you don't know.
it is a great text, though.
and I understand about feeling like this is IT. Although I used to feel that way about every sermon.
Have fun. You will be great. You are the one God called to be with that community at this time. Enjoy!
Thank you, everybody, for all these wonderful words of encouragement. The ice cream social went wonderfully. They all seemed so happy to have us there!
Your prayers and good wishes are greatly appreciated.
you are preaching very soon now. and sending love, love, love!!!
Go Mags!!! Lots of love and prayers....
And let us know how it went, okay?
Well, we all know that the story has a happy ending, thanks be to God.
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