Thursday, February 23, 2012

A New Blog

Hello friends.

In a little while I'll be taking down Magdalene's Musings.

I started blogging here in the summer of 2006, a transitional time for me professionally and personally. A few months earlier I had lost my mother. I was a divorced mom, an out-of-work pastor, and in a closeted relationship with the woman who, on another blog, I called "Beloved."

Slowly, by reaching out to the already strong community of women pastors who were also blogging, I found a place and a voice for myself here. I learned that "virtual" community is, in fact, a very real community, and I found myself blessed to be a part of it.

Over time I came to use this blog exclusively for posting my sermons; that has been its primary function for the past three years. Now I feel it is time to connect my sermons to my name and my ministry.

So, I introduce to you my new blog: The Sermon Blog @ Union Presbyterian Church. Look for me there, and know that, as I try to navigate blogging under my own name, I will be forever grateful for the love and grace you have shown me.

1 comment:

  1. There is a difference, I have found, in blogging under my own name. And now settled in this parish I love, I also find that I say less about a lot. My bog has become primarily a sermon blog and I have yet to figure out what I want to write about it. I suspect it will reveal itself to me as I get this first year of a new call behind me. I look forward to your new blog.
