Thursday, March 26, 2009

What am I doing all the time?

Lessee... in this last week...

* Larry-O was home! My boy. He is well, he seems very happy, he has parts in two plays, "Balm in Gilead" (in which he plays David, a drag queen), and "Love of the Nightingale" (based on a Greek myth, in which he plays the Captain). He was here and then gone... we had dinner Thursday, then he and Petra stayed with their dad until Sunday after church, and then we had brunch. And... back on the bus, y'all.

Here he is in makeup for Balm. Isn't he pretty? Someone told him he looks like Ina Garten.

* Visits, visits, visits... a woman on hospice care, a young woman who wants to "rent" the church (minus pastor) for her wedding, a couple dealing with issues around aging... more.

* Auditions... Petra and I went out for HMS Pinafore last weekend. I was offered the understudy for Buttercup, as well as a chorus spot. This will be my first time in chorus... those women always seem to have so much fun! Petra and I are digging it. Oh, plus the understudies get a performance... which is cool!

* Jazz Vespers, last night. We are fortunate to live not too far from a Presbyterian jazz luminary/ pastor, who is also a son of this area. He came, with a member of his band, to lead vespers last night (and do the meditation, which is why I have not posted one). Oh, my. It was powerful. They did songs of longing and lament, all based on psalms, and his meditation was about... being a human being and suffering. He addressed it deftly, with a light touch, that had people smiling (and our people really turned out for this one!) and nodding. I was near tears as he shared this story. He read Psalm 13, and then played this piece, the Last Word... the idea being, God has the last word.

Not sure there's much to say after that.


  1. I've snuff and tobaccy,
    and excellent jacky,
    I've scissors, and watches,
    and knives;
    I've ribbons and laces
    to set off the faces
    Of pretty young sweethearts
    and wives.

    Snap a cord, you. I've sung that part; it's a ton of fun!

  2. That's fun busy! How cool that you're going to be in a show!

    And yes, Larrry O. is very pretty in his make up.
