Monday, February 23, 2009

Knitted Love for Caroline Grace!

I bought this yarn in December, inspired by something to put orange and pink together... I'm fairly new at serious knitting ("serious!" Ha!), so this is a first...

Oh, and get this: it's called "An Umbilical Cord Hat."


  1. soooooooooooo cute i can barely stand it!

  2. Anonymous4:29 PM

    so very very cute! great colors.

  3. I love that! The color combo is great!

  4. oh my! i got SO behind on my blog reading last week that i never saw this! so much the better because the actual hat was a delightful surprise in the mail when it arrived!

    it is adorable. hopefully we'll get a pic of her in it soon and will post it!

    thank you so much. she loves it! and the card was great too!
