Monday, January 26, 2009

Study Leave Stay

I was supposed to be here with her.... Yes, again! It was great last year, so why not repeat it??

Well, sometimes you can't go home again. (What an original thought.) Indeed, sometimes you can't even go on the same study leave twice... though I have high hopes that Little Mary and I will figure out how and when soon. But things went awry on this end-- family stuff, friend stuff, and it turned out to be... just a better time to be home.

So home I am, and trying to do study leave here. (And write the sermon for Sunday that should have been written last week, but which aforementioned situations... family, friends etc... rendered nigh on impossible.)

So. What would I like to do this week?

  • Read all ninety books on my "to-read" list. Yeah, I know. Maybe pare that down to... three? four? Can I read four books this week? If I can, I will dutifully report them here.
  • Put together the Lenten series (worship with different music each week, including a jazz vespers with a well known Presby jazz player. Cool!).
  • Plan sermons (vaguely, allowing for the Spirit to move, of course) for Lent and Easter seasons. (I like to just... read ahead, you know? Have a game plan, even if I change it at the last minute? I just makes me feel better.
  • Plan a class on "Faithful and Vital Worship" for elders and deacons at an upcoming regional training event. (If those buzzwords made you think of this book, nice job. That's the one I'm stealing shamelessly from.)
  • And maybe most importantly, read up on other conferences happening this year so that I can plan my next study leave week. Sheesh! It can't be all fun and games.

In all seriousness: the thing I will miss most this week of not being with Little Mary is the morning prayer together. That was fabulous. Powerful. Moving.

Guess I'll have to make do with just, you know, me and the Big Guy.


  1. I realize you're missing a certain sense of fellowship, but I'm betting you and the Big Guy will do just fine.

  2. i am really missing you this week too. it is a bummer we aren't together, you know?

    and i have been thinking about this study leave plan of much planning you are doing. and wondering: isn't this work she is doing, without the disruption of phone calls and visits and emergencies? just wondering.

  3. Sorry you couldn't be there.

    Hope you get some, most, or all of your goals accomplished. I look forward to hearing which books you read.

  4. bummer...hope the week at home holds lots of blessings. don't put too much pressure on yourself though. just reading 4 books would be a productive study leave.

    just caught up on the last several posts. i'm SO behind on blog reading. great stuff here, mags.
