Wednesday, December 10, 2008

To the Sermon-Writers Out There...

Have you found Kairos CoMotion Lectionary Dialogue? Each day of the week he blogs a brief, evocative reflection on one of the readings for the coming Sunday's readings according to the Revised Common Lectionary. Here's a taste, from today:

Psalm 126

There are comedic dreams and tragic dreams. Here is an example of the comedic. No matter what the difficulty or intensity of a nightmare, things come 'round right. Restoration after disaster brings laughter.

The prayer of the glass-half-full psalmist is that others who are tearful will find a way to see joy eventuating from their exile into dryness. There is a presumption of life being a comedy, not just because of the importance of timing (and what is Advent about but timing), but because difficulties are wonderfully resolved.

A question we are left with - what to do with a comedic dream in the presence of wide-awake tragedy? Do we step back from our disaster and trust a sweet by-and-by? Do we use the dream as motivation when there is not yet an armload of blessed sheaves to bring home? Do we dismiss the dream as "an undigested bit of beef, a blot of mustard, a crumb of cheese, a fragment of an underdone potato"?

What dream is holding you in the midst of economic uncertainty, political conspiracy, or on-going genocide? Might it hold something as unimaginable in daylight as a manger or a Baptizer John – both of which portend beyond current powers and processes?

This is VERY good stuff. Found him via The Text This Week (thanks TextWeek!).


  1. Ooh, thanks. TextWeek is an inexhaustible source of riches. That's how I discovered Jan Richardson's Advent blog a couple of weeks ago.

    I'm not preaching again till IV Advent, so I just get to listen and enjoy this weekend. But I'll be taking a quick advance look at biblical passages and commentaries a bit later this week, so many thanks for getting me started.

  2. Oh, this is fabulous. Thank you.
