Friday, November 07, 2008

Not Funny

I've been struggling with what to say in this space about the harsh irony of the simultaneous breaking of a racial barrier at the highest levels of our government and the denial of a whole host of rights to about ten percent of our citizens. I've decided Tom Toles' cartoon says what many of us are feeling quite nicely.

But I don't believe this is the end. I believe marriage equality will come. Just not today.


  1. Brilliant friend. Sad, horrible, awful, brilliant.

  2. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Sadly, that irony is lost on some. The more I learn about the people who funded Prop 8, the more I realize we need to rethink marriage being controlled at the state level. Civil rights should not be different from state to state.

  3. Oh, I know! And the horrible irony that the high African-American turnout is one of the main reasons why Prop. 8 passed. Sigh.

  4. A bigger cage is still a cage. It's like giving gay couples some extra rights whilst not allowing them the true freedom of marriage. That's why I always buy free range chicken and eggs. It costs a lot more but then, who wants to be known as a cheapskate?

  5. this. is excellent.
