Monday, October 13, 2008


I'm pretty excited, because tomorrow morning at 10 AM a coupla my favorite clergy gals are darkening the door of St. Sociable in the name of our Brand Spankin' New Tuesday AM Lectionary Group. Yee!

I've searched around a bit for a lectionary group. I need one that is very efficient. The last one I attended, about 35 miles away near our denominational offices, was convivial but highly inefficient. Sometimes we didn't get to the readings until 45 minutes had gone by, and sometimes I needed to leave after an hour. I'm not a group process Nazi or anything. And this is going to sound very, very.... J of me: but I need any group I attend to actually get to the business we say we want to get to. I just don't have time to socialize when I expect to be doing specific tasks that need to be done (like my scripture study for the week).

Anyway, here's how we're going to proceed. We'll meet every two to three weeks. When we meet, we'll each do a brief presentation to the group on one reading for one of the upcoming weeks. We'll provide each other with a handout. We'll brainstorm sermon starters and illustrations. Two hours, and we all leave with two to three weeks of exegesis, done.

Doesn't that sound groovy?


  1. It sounds great! And as a sister J (who has worked valiantly on the P side of things over the decades to be more flexible and accepting of process) I applaud the format! Keep us posted. I hope it works out well and enriches you preachers and all your congregations.

    Now -- what ARE we going to say on Sunda about "render to Caesar" ?? I'm thinking of starting a little conversation about that on my blog. I haven't preached in weeks and this is the Gospel I got. Wooooooooooo!

  2. Oops, that's "Sunday."

  3. sounds really good!

    jane r - do you ever read dylan's blog? she's got a great exeg of that passage - go to sarahlaughed and search for "coin" it'll come right up.

    and Dan Clendanin (ugh, spelling? I'm doing these from memory) has helpful things to say on this passage at his place too.

    You can find the links to both at

  4. sounds fabulous, mags. hope it is all you hope for and more.

  5. Thing is, Jane, I'm a P! Really and truly! Most people I work with don't catch on to that... I'm "J enough" for most people's purposes, and some situations (like really inefficient committee/ council/ presbytery meetings) make me J-up real quick. I suppose I might be on the line. But I really value openness and flexibility in decision making, and am always, always willing to revisit...

  6. Yeah, Juniper and Sarah... I'm pretty excited. As i guess you can tell!

  7. Anonymous8:10 AM

    sounds awesome! I wish I was closer and could join you! Have fun

  8. Yup, read it already. Thanks, though.

  9. Sounds great! How did it go?
