Friday, October 24, 2008

Bullets of Healing

  • I can now (usually) roll over in bed without big yelps of pain.
  • I am still taking the House pills, (as prescribed, Petra)
  • I have been outside twice, including right now... an hour at an internet cafe
  • But I'm starting to shake, so I'll be going home soon
  • I've been reading:

And this:

And this:

  • I still walk really slowly.
  • I've perfected what Petra calls the "gall bladder laugh": a loud, breathy guffaw (to dissipate the impact of the breath on the muscles) during which I clasp my stomach and close my eyes, and mouth "No!"
  • Thank God I am not preaching this Sunday. I love it, you know I love it. But Thank God.


  1. Eat this Bread was a great read! It's helped me to reframe the way I think about communion.

    Feel better!

  2. So glad you have a break. I loved both those books. Keep healing!

  3. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Glad you are feeling well enough to be out and about a little.

    Do the house pills give you crazy dreams?

  4. KP, no odd dreams... just blessed relief!

  5. Anonymous9:23 PM

    I'm glad you're getting better. I hope your recovery goes smoothly!

  6. I love Julia Spencer Fleming!
