Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Unbloggable Lightness of Being

Church stuff, first and foremost in my mind. Fancy that!

Just had a meeting with a Pillar of the Church, who is struggling with nearly crushing disappointment about Something going on here. Thinking about how I am changing and growing, from... someone whose instincts were all about pleasing people and making sure they were not disappointed/ mad/ going away; to... someone who holds these things lightly enough, recognizes that it really and truly is not about me, whose job, first and foremost, is to listen and love.

I left a meeting recently shaking my head at the change in me. I don't know why it's happening, exactly. But I am so, so grateful.

That's all.


  1. Anonymous5:34 PM

    My prayer -- to be there one day!

  2. thanks for this - i'm praying to carry your lightness into tonight's gathering of my own dear church folk...

  3. OutSTANDing. Also, excellent post title. :-)

  4. Anonymous10:55 AM


    This is the true consolation of Christ's servants. It just isn't about us... albeit that can be a very lonely place.

    Brian from Idaho

  5. I love it when that happens!

  6. It is very good to read this, very good.

    And I too love the title of the post.

  7. So glad and excited for you!
    Note: you were top of mind yesterday when I went off to therapy yesterday and then decided to run away from home...ended up Stonypoint...
