Saturday, April 05, 2008


Well, in the end you did a very good job. But for those who are still wondering, here are the remaining answers to the Movie Meme.

4. "What kind of people sit in a restaurant and don't say one word to each other?"
"Married people?"

Two for the Road. Audrey Hepburn and Albert Finney. It's sixtiestastic... do go rent it.

8. "What does the lily mean?"
"The lily means... the lily means, 'I dare you to love me.'"

Imagine Me and You. A sweet love story about a woman who falls in love with another woman on her way down the aisle to marry a man. Oops! A tear-jerker at moments, but lovely. And YES. They play the song. Awesome.

9. "If you don't fall in with us, nothing holds together."
"I'm not going back. I'm fighting this thing."

Stop-Loss. A devastating portrait of soldiers coming home from Iraq, and one who gets "stop-lossed": sent back, even though his tour was supposed to be over. Painful, beautiful.

10. "Would you shut up? I'm atoning!"

Kissing Jessica Stein
. Too cute.

14. "When was the last time you were decently kissed? I mean, really, honestly good and kissed?"

That Thing You Do. I just loved this movie. Adorable, feel-good story of a little-band-that-could, playing a Beatles-esque pop tune on a long summer tour in the optimistic sixties. And the funniest man in the world would be Steve Zahn.

Go ye forth and rent, good readers!


  1. Great = thanks for the questions. And the answers.
    And I'm gonna be using "sixtiestastic" as often as possible. So thanks for that too.

  2. You know I will probably never watch the movie Stop-loss. It is all in the contract, he shouldn't have signed for something he didnt want.

    Twice since I have been in the has been a a "Stop Loss/Move" in effect, once it stopped me from coming to the east coast sooner, which probably hurt my marriage at the time, but we all make due in the end.

  3. Wyld, I wondered whether you would see it. For what it's worth, it's not a whining sort of movie. All the guys have their challenges, their struggles... and they are presented as really honorable and decent men, even as their situation is not sugar coated. It just broke my heart, to see what people go through.

  4. oh, my husband loves That Thing You Do. But we didn't remember that quote. will have to watch it a gain!
