Sunday, December 16, 2007

Happy Bullets of Sunday Morning

Happy! Happy!! Happy!!!

I've said to Petra, "I'm SOOOOO happy!!!" about three kajillion times since the end of church at about 11:45 this morning.

  • The Cantata went better than it had any right to (what with my unreliable high G, which kicked in sheerly due to divine intervention: I didn't suck. The choir was downright good.).
  • The congregation showed up, despite icy roads (not a huge turnout, but respectable and well above the feared "10").
  • So far, no news of any mishaps driving in either direction.
  • A fabulous holiday bazaar, at which Petra and I scooped up some (a bunch of) cookies for the imminent (tomorrow) return of Larry-O.
  • A wonderful showing for "white gift Sunday" (read: lots of food for folks in diminished circumstances this holiday season.... anyone out there ever heard of "white" gifts? The name makes me a little uneasy...
All in all, a good morning, relief about my decision to go forward with everything, and happy to be home in the presence of our untrimmed, fragrant tree while the snow falls gently.


  1. I am happy you are happy.

  2. Anonymous2:32 PM

    This is Petra speaking, and i would just like to say that, as a witness to the fabulous performance this morning, Magdalene totally ROCKED!!!!! High Gs aren't that easy folks (for those of you who don't sing, play an instrument or read music.) But she did amazing, and I am tres proud of her.

    So, I am so glad that you are happy, Mom. Congrats!

    Love, Petra (or Fraulein Schneider, as i am known in 1920s Berlin)

  3. sweet! so happy for you! and petra- you rock!

  4. Anonymous7:13 PM

    First, yay, yay, yay, for putting in the typepad friendly comments!

    We did White Gifts when I was a child, but we were told they had to be white gifts--usually a basket for each family with flour, sugar, baking soda, salt, baking powder, crisco, some cookie cutters, tea towels, paper towels, toilet paper, etc. We counted beige and silver as white for the project. It was so much fun, putting together these baskets, and trying to find stuff that was white and that would be helpful to a family that was struggling. I remember running through K-mart and Sears, coming up with white stuff to add to the (laundry) basket.

    I was always told that toys for tots got toys for kids, and the white gifts were for moms (yes, that was the era)so they could have a little breathing room at Christmas--and make cookies. (I guess dads got left out, huh?)

    Maybe your white gifts are derived from this tradition?

  5. Yeah .. Praise God. Proud of you for teh High G ... and pleased that you are happy. Ditto what more cows said, Petra - you ROCK (of course ... how could a rock not rock?) -:)

  6. Congrats and rejoicing with you!

    Never heard of white gifts but I would have guessed things like tp that you can't get with food stamps....

  7. the choir sang well? wow, a miracle indeed;)
