Wednesday, December 19, 2007

A Great Day

... at Teh Church yesterday.
  • Got a lot done. A lot. Had a big long list, and kept checkin' things off.
  • Even got done piddly, annoyingly detailed things that I typically put off. Got 'em done!
  • Remember the record-keeping debacle? A former clerk of session called yesterday morning to ask whether I'd be in my office for a while, and was this a good time to stop by. I said, "Sure!" We discussed her very cool recent vacation for a while, and then she said this: "I know there is a huge task to be done, in cleaning up our membership list and putting the register together. I was a high-level administrative assistant for my entire professional life. I'm a very detail-oriented person. This is what I do. Do you think (Current Clerk) would mind if I offered to take this job on?" I immediately had visions of Current Clerk turning handstands and weeping with joy. I said, "Oh, I don't think she'd mind." Current Clerk confirmed my suspicions later in the day, not exactly by turning handstands, but by laughing hysterically, then collapsing on the couch in my office to catch her breath. (Sorry: my "study." Can't get used to the local nomenclature.)
  • Had a session meeting that was wonderful... started with a silly PowerPoint I put together a couple of years ago, The Great American Christmas Quiz (instead of, you know, studying the Book of Order). Moved through lots of business, including approving the budget, increasing the number of Communions (HAAAAAA-LEH-LU-YAH!), signing up people to do home communions for the whole year (has been a tiny little issue with me), purchasing new supplemental hymnals... I mean, a LOT of good work got done. With a lot of laughter and honest conversation. And the three new session members who came brought great energy with them.
Two more bulletins (for the Sunday I'll be gone and the Sunday I return), three newsletter items, one Christmas Eve sermon, and I'm golden...

And shopping.

And cooking.


Still. A Great Day.


  1. Your session meeting sounded GREAT! Yep, I'd take the silly powerpoint over the Book of Order any day! :)
