Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Urgent Prayer Request

... from the Presbyterian Church (USA).

We grieve today at the news of the tragic slaying of a second Korean hostage in Afghanistan, Mr. Shim Sung-Min. This news came only a few days after the Rev. Bae Hyung-Kyu was killed, also by the Taliban. The late pastor, the Rev. Bae Hyung Kyu and 22 people are members of Sam-mool (Spring Water) Presbyterian Church in Bundang, Korea, who went to Afghanistan to exercise witness and service and were kidnapped by the Taliban.

Insik Kim, coordinator for Asia and the Pacific within the World Mission program area, is in contact with leaders of the Presbyterian Church in the Republic of Korea, voicing our solidarity, and has relayed an urgent prayer appeal. Please join us in praying for the families of Mr. Shim and the Rev. Bae, and for the release of the remaining hostages.

More, including a statement from the Presbyterian Church in Korea, may be found here.


  1. Oh my gosh, I had heard about this butI didn't know that this Korean group was Presbyterian. Not that it matters, it's horrific no matter what. I'm praying.

  2. Prayers for all, Mags. How very tragic.
