Monday, August 06, 2007

I have a hard time keeping my turtles straight, too

This just in, in our local newspaper...

Elmira woman sold the wrong turtle at rummage sale

Anita Lewis of Elmira is desperately seeking the woman who bought a ceramic turtle from her on Saturday. Lewis was unaware that the large, brown turtle contained the ashes of her husband’s previous wife.

Lewis said the object was inadvertently included in items at her rummage sale Saturday at 811 Grove St. She’s hoping the woman still has the turtle and can return it to her.

If you know the woman who bought the turtle or have any information to share, call John Cleary at (607) 271-8293 or e-mail him at

-- Gannett News Service


  1. now that's a big oops!

  2. hmm, the ashes of her husband's former wife?
    one wonders if this could be a case of "it's easier to ask forgiveness than permission."

  3. My idea exactly... maybe she also "accidentally" burned their wedding photos...!

  4. Class case of a Shell Game.

  5. Now, who puts cremains in a ceramic turtle anyway?

  6. This sounds like she may need some counseling -- was it really an "accident"?

    Oh my!
