Sunday, July 08, 2007

The Tech Rehearsal

I am sitting in the house of Lovely Chamber Hall at the Local University, observing our technical rehearsal with the opening night cast (I am in the closing night cast). Yum Yum has just come onstage, and her long, flowing, golden wedding robe has gotten caught on a corner of the Mikado's throne that was, evidently, not sanded down.

That's sort of how it's going. That's sort of how the tech rehearsal always goes.

Larry-O sought my help last night (as I was trying to finish my sermon, after watching The Prisoner of Azkaban with Petra and Larry-O) to give himself a buzz cut in preparation for his debut as Ko Ko (he plans to finish shaving it later tonight). This means that he looks the part, at the moment, of a prisoner of war. This is disconcerting. It was especially disconcerting to be the one cutting his hair off, to be giving him that look. Though it also gave me sweet recollections of him at age 7 or so, getting his summer hair cut. (He told me today he hated those summer haircuts. I never knew!)

I get my first try onstage tomorrow night. The set is gorgeous, if unsanded. It has lovely faux bamboo screens, and deep red lanterns, and simply but beautifully painted banners. The makeup is modified Kabuki, with the men made up as Samurai warriors. Katisha's (my) headpiece is... a phenomenon nearly beyond human powers to describe. It is a multi-layered, asymmetrical, mutli-colored affair, dripping with about two dozen chandelier crystals. The other Katisha and I have agreed: we are going to let the headpiece do the acting.

At Friday night's run through I sang the part the best I have done so far. Let's hope I haven't peaked.

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