Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Living Together

I read this post this morning, on one of many blogs I read so quickly that I for a while, I lost track of exactly where I read it. The gist of what grabbed me was this: the blogger once belonged to a church in which a group of anonymous folks sent a letter around criticizing the pastor.

This combined with a post by another blogger settled on my heart and prompts me to write this:

I would like to publicly apologize to the RevGalBlogPals board and community for any hurtful behavior I have engaged in throughout the past week.

It is easy to lob cherry bombs at people you don't really know, who are doing a job you probably don't fully understand. It is particularly easy when shielded by this cloak of invisibility we call the internet. I believe there are people suffering this week because of actions they took which they firmly and thoroughly believe are for the good of the RevGals community. While I don't agree with the final outcome of the decision, I believe that one of the things we are called to in this life is learning to live together when we have differences-- sometimes painful ones-- that threated to divide us.

So, if I have caused anyone pain this week with my fervent emails or comments, I apologize. We are all doing what we believe is right. It would be good if we could realize that we can love each other even while disagreeing. That would be a terrific thing.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. "It would be good if we could realize that we can love each other even while disagreeing. That would be a terrific thing." AMEN! (((0)))

  3. Forgiven, and forgive us for our shortcomings. Please stay and work with us. Help us be a better community. We aren't perfect but we are trying to be a better community.

  4. I've been distressed over some of the things people have said about the RevGals board elsewhere, but I didn't think you said anything out of line. That said, you weren't saying it about me, so that maybe doesn't mean so much.
