Sunday, July 15, 2007

Just a little teeny, weeny, wee bit bloodthirsty: Closing Night! (er, afternoon)

Well, thus is the nature of being double-cast for a role: no sooner do you have to open than... you have to close! I had my first performance on Friday night (Friday the 13th, not that it matters). All in all.... it went well. There have been some issues with the orchestra and music director.... I frankly think he's nervous, and it makes him jump cues. It's happened to every lead in the show. My turn was Friday night during my big number in the finale of Act I. However, I recovered, I covered, and all in all, I have to say, it felt pretty good. Not perfect, but pretty good.

Act II is when the fun starts. I love all my scenes in Act II, which is when I get to do the hilarious scene with Larry-O as KoKo. My favorite exhange: After I have decided I will marry him (he tricks me into it!)...

Katisha: Oh, I am a silly little goose.

KoKo: You are.

Katisha: And you won't hate me because I just a little teeny, weeny, wee bit bloodthirsty, will you?

KoKo: Oh Katisha.... is there not beauty even in bloodthirstiness?

Katisha: My idea exactly.

Then we sing a song about the beauties of bloodthirstiness, in which we are blocked like characters out of a Betty Boop cartoon. It is hilarious.

And today, at 3 PM, we do it for the last time.

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