Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Harry Will Die...

... at least, that is, according to Jeff Diamant of the Religious News Service. He writes,

His death will be a noble one, it is prophesied in the blogs, a death both sacrificial and necessary to save the world from the satanic Lord Voldemort. I agree with this line. I also expect Harry’s death to show that his character’s path is modeled on the Gospel accounts of Jesus, and, more significantly, that the link between him and wizardry-school headmaster Albus Dumbledore is patterned on the most essential relationship in the Christian Bible — that between Jesus the Son and God the Father.

Read all of his compelling article here.


  1. I just can't accept that Harry will die. I bet they'll find a way to disenchant a Horcrux or something.

    I tend to think trying to find all the Christian messages in the Harry Potter series is a bit strained. Other than the overall themes of good vs. evil, and sacrificing for one's friends, I just don't see it. Of course, I don't really want to see it -- I get tired of everything seemingly having to be a Christian allegory.

  2. i wasn't convinced that harry was going to die until i read that jkr sobbed and cried as she changed the ending of her book. apparently, scar is no longer the last word.

    i find suzer's comment about constantly looking for the xian themes has gotten a little much. i think there are some there but i dont see that jkr has intently written it for that purpose.

    dead or alive--i can hardly wait!

  3. If I had to guess, my best guess would be that Hagrid and Voldemort die. I would cry my eyes out at Hagrid's death, and I suspect he might die trying to save Harry.

    Having read the latest little tidbit from Ms. Rowling, I wonder if the scar itself is a Horcrux? Perhaps once Voldemort dies, the scar disappears?

    That's my theory and I'm stickin' to it! ;)

  4. I am starting to fear that Harry will die. In an article that I posed on my blog (links have "Harry Potter), the author says the same thing. (Can't remember if it's the same author though). Dumbledore's death could have been somewhat sacrificial. I cried so much when he died. So we'll see in a couple weeks. . . .
