Friday, June 08, 2007

Friday Five: Getaway Island Edition

Posted at RevGalBlogPals by Cathy...

Perhaps you have had this opportunity to escape, or maybe it's only been a thought to get away. However, suppose you were told to pack some essentials for a trip to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Describe your location, in general or specific terms...

I am torn between a couple of different kinds of islands. I have spent time on islands in the northeast US... Peak's Island in Casco Bay, Maine; Martha's Vineyard in Massachusetts... but I think for my fantasy getaway, I'm thinking... Kona... or whatever Hawaiian island is the least populated by tourists. I went to Hawaii with my mom when I was 12, and I loved the outer islands... black volcanic sand beaches, watching pods of whales swimming while we ate our dinner on a veranda, rainforests, the feel of 12 foot waves throwing me around...


1) What book(s) will you bring?

I always bring my bible (though I don't always read it). On my pile of recent purchases/ gifts: Leaving Church by Barbara Brown Taylor, The Secret Message of Jesus by Brian McLaren, What Would Jesus Buy by Reverend Billy, Velvet Elvis by Rob Bell, The Pilot's Wife by Anita Shreve, On Beauty by Zadie Smith, Grace (Eventually) by Anne Lamott.

2) What music accompanies you?

Let's see... for an island experience, I'm thinking Putumayo Presents "Mali"; Noe Venable, "The World is Bound By Secret Knots"; Indigo Girls "Shaming of the Sun"; "Divine Secrets of the YaYa Sisterhood" soundtrack; and Gipsy Kings "The Best of the Gipsy Kings."

3) What essentials of everyday living must you take (as in the health and beauty aids aisle variety)?

Sunscreen (Irish/ Brazilian ancestry: I still burn); hot oil treatment for my soon-to-be sun-damaged hair; West Indian Lime cologne; Estee Lauder Beyond Paradise body lotion (I'm gonna smell goooooood).

4) What technological gadgets if any, will you take with you or do you leave it all behind?

Leave it all behind.

5) What culinary delights will you partake in while there?

I had pineapple for the first time in my life in Hawaii... I still remember the sweet shock of it. That, hearts of palm salad, grilled everything (fish mostly) and umbrella drinks, my friends, umbrella drinks.


  1. I'll be packed in 10 minutes!!! Let's go.

    The pineapple in Hawaii is so sweet and good. I was surprised at how much better it was than on the mainland.

  2. My music minister is moving to a small town in Hawaii and will have a 3rd bedroom available for guests. Want to share?

  3. That grilled pineapple sounds divine...

  4. Pineapple -- yum.

    On an aside, I had a friend go to the least populated Hawaiian island and said it RAINED the whole time she was there!!!! But, rain sounds pretty darn good in a drought condition.

    well played!

  5. OK. I forgot about an umbrella in my strawberry daiquiri. Come on over and I'll pour you one -- but you have to bring the umbrellas!

  6. the pilot's wife is a good read. i like your library!

    sounds wonderful!

  7. Sorry, but you've been tagged.

  8. No need to apologize, lj... but I'm going to have to wait til tomorrow... I'm frantically finishing a sermon today that will be preached tonight. Yikes!


