Friday, May 25, 2007

Friday Five: Hard Habit to Break

Posted by Reverendmother at RevGalBlogPals:

As many of you know, I have been experimenting with some severely curtailed Internet usage. I realized that I had gotten into some bad habits, which got me thinking about habits in general. I understand that a habits/random facts meme has already been going around. In the hopes that it hasn't hit too many of us yet, be as lighthearted or as serious as you'd like with the following:

1. Have you ever successfully quit a bad habit, or gotten a good habit established? Tell us about how you did it.

Within the last year I have significantly improved the quality of my diet in the "strive for five" area... I always have fruit with breakfast and as a snack, and I always have raw green vegetables at one meal or another. I still have many miles to go, but I was noticing and appreciating this change recently. It's a good one.

2. "If only there were a 12-step program for _________________!"

Clutterholics. Pileholics. Can't seem to get through the reams of paper that know where my house is and invade on a daily basis.

3. Share one of your healthy "obsessions" with us.

I've always been a walker... I love a good three-mile walk (or more). I love the smell of the air in any season-- new grass and flowering trees in spring, sultry warm winds int he summer, woodsmoke in fall, the tang of snow in the winter. But do I do it every day (or even regularly)??? Ahh... frustration. Years ago I did the Boston Walk for Hunger, which is a 20-mile course. I am not in shape to do that right now, but I have wondered if that might not be a good goal to set for myself.

4. Share the habit of a spouse, friend or loved one that drives you C-R-A-Z-Y.

Two words: Guitar Hero. Not just one, but BOTH of my children. I keep offering to pay for real lessons on real electric guitars, but no one is taking me up on my offers.

5. "I'd love to get into the habit of ___________________."

That daily walk. I know it would do me a world of good.

Bonus: What is one small action you might take immediately to make #5 a reality?

I've planned to have lunch with a friend today. I've just decided to walk there.

Succulent fruit courtesy of maningue dot com and flickr.


  1. I'll join the clutteraholics group with you!

  2. yup I'd love to get walking too... great play :-)

  3. Second on the clutteraholics...I just moved and I'm going to try desperately not to be a pack-rat this time around...

  4. I'm starting to have visions of a RevGal volksmarch...

  5. Love the photo. I too aim to eat lots of fresh veggies. Not so much of the fruit, but that is all allergy related. sigh.

    Thanks for sharing.

  6. Good for you on the fruits and vegetables. That's our goal too. And "clutteraholics" ... I can relate. It's tough when you have more than one in one household.

  7. Good play! And thanks for the gentle reminder on strive for five...
