Tuesday, April 03, 2007

On Preaching in Holy Week

I expect the religious blogosphere will become quieter this week, as we all prepare for the extra services and give extra preparation to what feels like THE sermon of the year.

I preach on Good Friday this year for the first time ever. Having been ordained in 2003, this is not so extraordinary as it sounds. I feel the burden. I sent an email to a number of colleagues asking them about a couple of points of interpretation of the RCL passage from John (18:1-19:42). They responded in varieties of ways, everything from a lengthy email discussion and telephone call, to, "They are coming for not for theology, but to be fed. Feed them."

This strikes me as some of the best preaching advice I have ever been given. So, on this week in which we celebrate, among other things, the sacred meal of our tradition, I say to my sisters and brothers in the blogosphere: let us feed them.

Back to the sermons.


  1. May God be with you as you write your sermon. I know she will.

  2. Just wanted to send out prayers and best wishes to you during this busy (and hopefully not too stressful) time.
