Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Sick as proverbial dogs.

Norovirus got us. Petra, Dad and Mags.



  1. Yuck! So sorry to hear it. I hope you find your recovery quick, and your medicine cabinet stocked to get you through until then!

  2. goodness gracious... i've had difficulty trying to comment tonight. anywho... just wanted to say... soo sorry... drink lots of fluids if you can manage... and be kind to you and how the heck did larry-o escape it?

    thinking of you.

  3. Oh no! I'm prone to those icky stomach bugs, and can attest to the fact that they are no fun at all. You know you're in trouble when you give up leaving the bathroom, and just lay on the bathmat until the next -- well, you know.

    Sending prayers of healing your way. So, so sorry y'all are so sick. And like everyone else said -- lots of fluids!
