Friday, December 08, 2006

A Presbyterian Celebrates the Immaculate Conception

This prayer, adapted from an old invocation, is from "Carmina Gadelica", a collection of prayers and invocations from the Scottish Highlands. It was posted to a listserve to which I subscribe. Offered here for lovers of Mary, on this the feast of her conception in her mother's womb.


God over me,
God before me,
God behind me.
I on thy path, oh God,
Thou, oh God, in my steps.

The augury made of Mary to her son,
The offering made of Bride through her palm.

Sawest thou it, oh King of Life?
Said the King of Life that he saw.

Son of beauteous Mary
King of Life,
Give thou me eyes to see all my quest,
With grace that shall never fail,
Before me.

The augury made by Mary for her own offspring
When he was for a space missing...

Knowledge of truth,
Not knowledge of falsehood,
That I shall truly see all my quest.

Son of beauteous Mary
King of Life,
give thou my eyes to see all my quest,
With grace that shall never fail,
before me,
That shall never quench or dim.

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