Sunday, December 31, 2006

Bye for Now...

Larry-O, Petra and I are leaving in the morning for 6 days in Wyoming with family. We hear the snow is beautiful, the mountains inviting, and the steak unsurpassed... so we're ready to go.

Blessings to all of you for a joyful transition into 2007. See you next week...


PS Thanks to Rob W for the spectacular shot of New Year's fireworks over the Acropolis... nothing more exciting than DVD's of Xena going on here!


  1. Happy new year, friend. Best wishes for a blessed 2007. Think of me as you fly over (or drive through) Nebraska!

  2. Thanks Steve, for your good words tonight. Flying-- three planes, 10 hours. Yikes!

    Blessings, Mags

  3. Oh! Have fun! I'm quite jealous- WY is my home state!

  4. hope you're having a great time. i forgot about this and left you a voice mail about doing lunch this week or next. guessing if either is possible it will be next week. anywho... hope you three are having a blast in a most beautiful state! happy new year!

  5. Happy New Year, Mags! (A little late, but better late than never, right?) Hope you have a wonderful time.

    (BTW, I've changed my blog to "private", so please e-mail me with your e-mail address (my e-mail is in my profile) and I'll add you to the invite list -- thx)


