Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Now Here's Something REALLY Scary...

Thanks to newly discovered (by me) blogger Queen Mum, I have learned about something that really excites and scares me: NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month. The idea is to commit to writing 50,000 words of a novel-- good, bad or indifferent, serious or silly, any genre at all-- and to do so in a limited time, November 1 through 30.

God help me, I'm going to do it.

I wrote yesterday about my stop-and-start attempts at artistic expression. I have been thinking about writing a novel for approximately 35 of my 45 years.

This is it.

So.... dear blogiverse, I'm not sure how that will impact blogifying over the next 30 days. It is not my attempt to abandon it. This blog has a very different thrust than writing fiction. But my entries may well be shorter and further apart, if I am trying to crank out the equivalent of one slightly short sermon per day (see September 17, 24 and October 8 for typical sermons of mine)!

Yikes. Maybe I won't do this.

No. I will. I am. No time like the present.



  1. Traveling Mercies on your journey and welcome to the RevGalBlogPalosphere!

  2. I discovered NaNoWriMo a couple of years ago and have plans to do so some day -- Best wishes and speedy writing to you. Glad to find your blog.

  3. Ooh, good luck to you! I'm thinking about doing it as well...guess I better make that decision before, say, tomorrow.

  4. Prayers and best wishes for you in your writing!

  5. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Hey -- welcome to RGBPs. Love your blog and your links,and wish you were close enough to come hang out with our local writing group.

    Blessings with your writing.

  6. Well good luck to you writing your novel. And welcome to the revgalblogpals. Look forward to your posting.

    I love that you posted Johnny up there from the Shining.

  7. The picture sums up how I feel today about NaNoWriMo, too. What am I thinking?? What are you thinking? We must be slightly insane. Welcome to the club! (And thanks for sharing your weekend's reflections on art.) Peace to you!

  8. Greetings, new RevGal -- you go, girl!

  9. wow- hope it goes well for you... welcome to regals- hope to hear more from you ... could it be a blogged novel???

  10. Just read several of your entries and you are a hoot. I really enjoy your style - the honesty, the compassion, the challenge, the humor. Thanks! Welcome to the blogpals.

  11. Thanks to all for the good words and warm wishes. In response to you, Sally... I'm trying to decide whether to open up a second blog for the novel. If I do, I'll link to it here (and it will be visible in my profile at any rate).

    Blessings, Mags
