Saturday, October 14, 2006

Joyous Simchat Torah!

Every glory and wonder, every deep mystery and all beautiful wisdom are hidden in the Torah, sealed up in her treasures.

- Nahmanides (1194-1270), Commentary on Pentateuch

On this day, after the eight day of Sukkot, our Jewish friends and neighbors are celebrating Simchat Torah, or "rejoicing in the Torah" (so, my title reads, "Joyful Rejoicing...!"). On this day Jews mark the completion of the annual cycle of Torah readings and begin again. For a really delightful article about one woman's experience of the joy of torah, go to Beliefnet and read Love at First Sight by Mary Blye Howe.

I think we Presbyterians could do with a little more dancing with scripture and a little less beating one another over the head with it.

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