Tuesday, October 17, 2006

In Memoriam: Michael, February 14, 1995-October 18, 2006

He was a good doggie. He died very peacefully this morning, with me telling him what a very good doggie he was.


  1. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Living Christ,
    Saviour of the Universe;

    Logos through whom
    all things come to be;

    whose Cross is the
    suffering of all creatures:

    take now and transform
    the life of Michael

    whose death is the common bondage
    of us all;

    free this creature
    and all your creatures,

    from the powers of death
    to life everlasting.

    (Andrew Linzey - "Animal Rites")

  2. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Eternal rest grant unto Michael, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen.

  3. Oh, I'm so sorry, Magdalene. There's just no love quite like the love between a dog and human. And losing a beloved dog is a very great loss. May you be comforted and may Michael receive his blessed reward.

  4. Many thanks, friends. I deeply appreciate your prayers and good wishes.


  5. Magdalene -- I'm so sorry for your loss. Sometimes our bonds with our furry loved ones can run deeper than the human ones. Blessings to you, and Michael.

  6. Magdalene,
    Our hearts go out to you in this time of great loss. Patti and I share our home with 3 dogs and 7 cats, all of whom are our "kids." Unless one truly shares the love of fur-kids, they cannot understand the depth of loss. Know that you are held close to our hearts in prayer.

  7. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Thanks for your comments on the post about my folks' dog. :)
