Friday, August 25, 2006

Milestone Time

Oh my. Milestone time. Yesterday, at 5:15 pm local time I put my strapping 18 year old son in a car with the former Mr. Magdalene, to be driven to college in the Big City. MagSon is an actor, and has been accepted at his first choice school to hone his craft. I am overjoyed, and at the same time, filled with the memories of how devastating it was for my own mother when her babies left the nest. For some reason, she just didn't see that one coming. I am of the "We've prepared his whole life for this day" school of thought, and truly celebrate my firstborn's stretching his wings at last.

But oh my. What an empty house it is. The absence of things like "Rammstein" pitched at high volume, and tall, funny friends (and tiny sweet girlfriend) roaming in and out, and the constant battle to mow or take out the trash... and piling together on the sofa with MagDaughter like three puppies to watch Desperate Housewives... leaves a void. We rattle around, the almost-14-year-old and I.

Here is MagSon at a particularly fabulous moment, in a production of "Yeomen of the Guard" this past summer. Neat.

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