Sunday, August 26, 2007

Random Thoughts About This Morning

~ The Chair of the PNC was more nervous than I was.

~ On the advice of the woman who first suggested I give preaching a try 18 years ago, I decided to try a Godly Play "I wonder" approach to the children's message. Perfect.

~ They were very quiet during the sermon, chuckled gently when I compared myself unfavorably to Martha Stewart, but were very, very attentive.

~ The congregation had untold treasures in it, such as... a family I know from the first church where I was a Director of Christian Education, another family from the first church I served as an interim associate. And... see the sermon... a woman with what appears to be the very condition described in the gospel story.

~ I forgot there would be a paper ballot, so that when the Pastor Nominating Committee raced by the office (where my children and I were cooling our heels) without stopping, I looked at Larry-O and Petra and said, "Uh-oh."

~ Turns out they were counting the ballots.

~ It was unanimous. I have a church, and a church has me. God bless us, every one!


June Butler said...

Mags, I rejoice with you and your new congregation! Thanks be to God!

I know that God will bless them through your ministry, and that they will bless you as you serve them - as you serve each other in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

I am so pleased for you.

Amy said...

Yay Mags! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...


KnittinPreacher said...

I shall now sing the doxology very loudly and off key.

Yay for you!

Jan said...

Congratulations! It is a joy to hear, esp. as our congregation is losing a beloved pastor. I look forward to the time when we can welcome a new one, who will be (I hope) as excited as you are!

Gannet Girl said...

How totally wonderful!!!!!!

Diane M. Roth said...

How exciting! Blessings to you!

Cynthia said...

Mags! I am just thrilled for you and your new church. I know that rich blessings await you and your flock.

Magdalene6127 said...

Thank you all, so much, for sharing this joy with me. I am grateful for this online community.


LittleMary said...

what a day this is! it is inspirational to me, that is for sure. love you much.

Dr. Laura Marie Grimes said...

Woohoo Mags! Good for you! And praise God....May you know many joyous years serving Her with this new community.

Iris said...

Yippppeeeeee! I am as happy for your new congregation as I am for you. This is fantastic news!

St. Casserole said...

wonderful happy news!

they are a fortunate congregation!

Patti said...

Yay! And I like your sermon.

Nancy said...

Too long since I have been in touch. How happy I am that the Spirit led me to your page today to see your great news.

Congratulations!!! Your congregation will be so blessed to have you.

Barbara B. said...

(and unanimous -- great!)

johnieb said...

A fine sermon and a blessed congregation: TBTG.

Rev SS said...

Oh JOY! I'm late getting here ... but still want to say CONGRATULATIONS and join the rejoicing for you and your new congregation!